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List of Online Radio Stations Last .Fm radio is an online radio station that offers artistes the opportunity to upload their song. The song will be available to listeners and buyer. This online platform is perfect for both young artistes and establishes artistes. In addition, the website has a scribbler app. This App program allows you to scrobble your song(s). The site also has manager profile where you manage all your song and album. Feature artistes on Gospel Song: Brighter Tomorrow-Wade                         Cova Mi-Wade                         Seek Jesus-Xavier                         The Battle Is Not Yours-Lionel Advantage 1)     They pay royalties to artistes 2)     You can add when you are on tour 3)     It have social media connects 4)     You can talk with fans Disadvantage 1.      You have to have an equivalent amount of video to be feature 2.      You have to get enough scrobble before you get

Music Is What I Do

Are Proposal The Answer For Musicians? Project Title: Strike your balance between Education, Awareness and Music. Knowing is the key to move forward and success is putting it into practice. Project Location & Significance: The proposed locations for the school tour are Robert Lightbourne High School, Seaforth High School, and Paul Bogle High School within the parish of St. Thomas. The number of students to be impacted from this tour is approximately 6, 000 students. These students are from various backgrounds. Some of them are from the Western End and the others from the Eastern End of the parish. Two of the schools (Robert Lightbourne High & Paul Bogle High) are located on the main road and Seaforth is on a turn off from the main road. These schools are in the midst of the community and attract the title “community schools.” Therefore, the communities will embrace you as a sponsor. Two of these schools (Seaforth High & Paul Bogle High) operate