How To Make Money With Gigging Hello all, and welcome to a look at how to better make money in your music career. Whether you want to earn a full time income from your music or you simply want to make enough to cover recording or equipment costs, this series should go a way in helping you achieve that. Today I�m going to look particularly at how you can make money from gigging. I often see musicians leaving money on the table from their gigging efforts, either through shyness, or simply because they didn�t know how best to monetize their performances. With that in mind, here are some of the main ways you should be making money from each gig. If you are yet to get many gigs, you may want to check this guide on getting gigs first. If you already know how to get gigs and you have some under your belt, then let�s move on. As always, if you find this guide useful please share it round with your follow musicians. 1. Collecting Royalties From Your Live Performance So this is the on...